
I’m an online marketer in my early 30′s and I have a very different view of how to go about marketing than do most people in my industry.  I like to first look for what I believe are truly the best products or services in an industry, and then second, I look to promote those products or services to the world via the internet.

The vast majority of marketers get hired first by a company, and are then almost “forced” to promote whatever product or service that company is selling.  This is regardless of what the marketer personally believes to be true, and that sickens me.

I hate the fact that many of the world’s best products and services never “make it” because of all the noise and overwhelming number of brands and products competing in the market.  I want to help sift through the garbage and misinformation that flood both the internet and the paid media in general.  I want to help only what I believe are the best products and services the world has to offer.  I believe in free speech and the power of the internet to help spread the word about something that’s truly remarkable.

I stay true to myself and only consider working with people or companies where I have the freedom to speak my mind.  Many companies would fear giving anyone that type of freedom to express their personal opinions.  I simply refuse to participate in that sort of nonsense because I believe it’s wrong and unfair to consumers.  I believe it does a disservice to the world.

I love paying attention to cool new stuff that has the potential to change people’s lives for the better, and on a massive scale; things like the Ipod, the smart phone, and the internet itself.  I’m looking for the next big thing.