Revolutionizing Point of View Video

It’s time to put your camera down and join the video revolution that is upon us.

True point of view video recording is here to stay.  Imagine comfortably recording high def video with your hands free.  No I’m not talking about using a tripod or some bulky helmet.  I’m talking about doing it in style while wearing a cool looking ultra lightweight pair of video recording eyewear.

Until now you had to fidget around with a video camera in your hands, strap one to a tripod and make the whole process a big deal, or worse, humiliate yourself by wearing a ridiculous looking bulky helmet.  (I don’t care how good the branding is or how much money a company has to pay to get sexy models to wear their helmets.  Call me crazy, but no matter how you slice it, clunky helmets aren’t cool or even remotely enjoyable to wear)

Point of view video is exactly what it sounds like.  You film what you see.  The possibilities of use are endless and a new and more exciting “video life” is in the cards.

If you are thinking that the video quality can’t possibly be good with sunglasses, think again.  While it is true that many cheap brands are making low quality pinhole camera sunglasses that aren’t worth a nickel, the best brand is running away with the show and getting ready to revolutionize the industry and the way we take video.

Just make sure the device you get comes equipped with a gyro sensor for image stabilization and has several models to choose from.  Also make sure that the glasses themselves are made with top notch materials or they will fall apart within a week.

This is more than just a new product, it’s a way of life; a video life.

So put your camera down and come join the video revolution!



About Andy

I'm scouring the net and keeping up to date with all the hottest trends in High Def Video Recording Sunglasses

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