Video Camera Sunglasses – The Best of the Best

Finding the best video camera sunglasses on Google is not as easy as one would hope.  (This is true with pretty much everything)

It’s only natural that every brand is going to tout their own product as being top quality.   In the early stages of any new industry, the marketers win at the expense of the consumer.  I saw my friend by some piece of junk off ebay for about $150.  And that was after shopping around for a while.  Low quality companies are fighting for the top spot and unless you can compare them, it’s tough to know what is the real deal.

Here’s what to look for if you want top quality video camera sunglasses:

1.  Make sure the company makes several different models?  No is a big time red flag.

2.  Look at the company’s homepage.   A low budget site will mean low quality glasses.  Great camera glasses are expensive to make so it makes no sense to have an amateur site.  It’s another red flag.

3.  Make sure it has a Gyro Stabilizer

4.  Look for REAL 720p HD.  Most of the cheap no name brands say they record video in 720p but they don’t.

5.  Make sure the company does not describe them as “Spy Glasses”.  This is a dead giveaway that these are cheap pinhole glasses.  No serious company would make spy glasses anyway.  The lawsuits and bad brand image is too much to take.

6.  No Pinhole Cameras!  Those are too small to physically record something in real high def.  It doesn’t matter what anyone says.  It’s just physically impossible.

That’s a good start.  I’ll keep updating this list when I come across more things.




About Andy

I'm scouring the net and keeping up to date with all the hottest trends in High Def Video Recording Sunglasses

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