Innovative Trends in Video Recording

May 9, 2011

Hands Free Video

It seems like all areas of technology get to have their moment in the sun in terms of innovation.  There seems to be bursts of creativity and ingenuity followed by lengthy periods of relative stagnation.  Now the major innovations in the consumer tech market is in hands free video recording.

There are a lot of obvious trends that are happening in any industry.  Some examples are:

1.  Size:  The trend is towards smaller and more miniature recorders while maintaining high quality

2.  Weight:  Lighter

3.  Battery:  Longer battery life

4.  Price:  More bang for your buck

5.  Wireless:  Video Cameras are starting to use bluetooth or other wireless technologies to upload videos.

6.  Quality:  The quality is getting much better all the time.  Watch any movie made in the late 80′s and you’ll know what I mean.  They were using the best technology of the time.

7.  Hands Free:  I saved the best one for last.  This final trend is going to revolutionize video recording as we know it.  Now you can take top quality HD videos using recording eyewear.  That is just a fancy name for video recording sunglasses.

Take a look here to keep up with the latest trends and innovations in video cameras

About Andy

I'm scouring the net and keeping up to date with all the hottest trends in High Def Video Recording Sunglasses

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