Cool Ways to Use Video Recording Sunglasses

May 3, 2011

Hands Free Video

So you bought a pair of glasses that record HD video.  Great.  So now what are you going to film?

Hands free video recording opens up a whole new world of possibilities.  In the past, we had to make such a big “production” about taking videos because of the nature of the clunky camera.  Even the mini hand held ones were annoying, just not AS annoying.  Now our options  with HDHF (Hands Free High Definition) are limitless and the amount of videos you will want to take should go up at least 20 fold.

Let me paint you a little picture of what you can now do that isn’t a pain in the “*#&”

1.  Anything you know how to do that you want to teach. They say that a picture is worth a thousand words.  Imagine what they would have said a video is worth?  Film yourself fixing something or doing something on the computer.  All you have to do is wear the glasses and then send the video to a friend or your helpless father on the computer.   They will learn by seeing and you don’t have to  spend hours explaining or writing a step by step explanation of how to do something.

2.  Cooking. This might sound boring or stupid.  Think about this, you can video yourself making some recipe and have it on file.  You can share the video on youtube or facebook with anyone who wants to learn from a “master chef”.  You!

3.  Adventure sports. You obviously need hands free video if you want to film what you see when playing a sport.  You also need a mini camcorder that won’t hamper your playing ability or it will defeat the whole purpose.  Pro athletes could play a tennis match in these sunglasses no problem.  That’s the level of comfort we’re talking about.  I wish pros actually did that.  It would be so cool to see what they do.  (I know tennis isn’t an adventure sport, but your head moves a lot when you play)

4.  Take a video of your pet. They sometimes get shy around a camera but now they won’t even know their cute little movements will be on film.  It will make for a lot of fun and great memories.  Because of the hands free part, you can play with your pet and film more interesting and interactive things.

5.  Record your kid’s sports games. You love your kids, just maybe not quite enough to record everything they do.  Well now you don’t need to worry, you just wear the camera sunglasses and away you go.  No one will even know what you are doing.  You’ll just look like a cool dad in his new pair of shades watching his son hit a home run or score a winning goal.  Then at the end of the game you can watch it immediately at home in HD.  Awesome bonding experience.  Of course they are great for school plays or whatever.

About Andy

I'm scouring the net and keeping up to date with all the hottest trends in High Def Video Recording Sunglasses

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