Night Vision HD Video Recording Sunglasses

May 25, 2011

Hands Free Video

Night vision sunglasses are all about the lenses.  The yellow ones let in more light, which allow the person to see.  This sounds easy but high tech “yellow ones” are a lot better than just some cheap ones.  You need to do your homework and make sure you are buying grade A quality parts.   This aspect is very important in video recording or you will literally be in the dark while filming.

Most cheap “brands” of DVR glasses come in only one model.  A company that makes only one model of anything should draw a huge red flag about the quality of the entire brand anyway.  For the best models, check out the links on the homepage of this site.  You can just click the logo on the top of this page.  The quality is great and the prices are very reasonable given what you will be getting in return.

The second aspect of any type of video recording sunglasses, not only the night time ones, is the type of “recording lens” that the glasses come with.  It’s no surprise that you get what you pay for and the poor ones will do nothing in the dark and do pretty poorly in the day as well.  Their ad campaigns might trick you into thinking that the glasses are good at night, but don’t let just the colors fool you.

The best of both types of lenses are made by the top manufacturers of the world and are better in all respects.  I’d suggest looking into who’s making the product and the individual components so you can make your own reasonable purchasing decision.  It’s also crucial to keep in mind that “pitch black” recording is impossible.   The kind of filming we’re talking about will be in dim light and that’s what we need to consider.  This will be great news for hunters who are looking for high def hands free videos so they can show off their day, or evening’s, work.

I’m committed to staying on top of this market and writing only the latest and most up to date product info.  I’ll keep everyone posted with any news.


About Andy

I'm scouring the net and keeping up to date with all the hottest trends in High Def Video Recording Sunglasses

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