Video Camera Glasses VS Video Glasses

April 29, 2011

Hands Free Video

A lot of people have been asking me lately about the difference between video camera glasses and video glasses

I searched around for the answer and it surprised me too.  Now I totally  understand the confusion.  These are both fairly new industries and some companies just pick names and words for their products.  They can be the same thing or they can be completely different.  You probably have an idea of what you want in mind when you type one of those terms into a search engine.  I’m going to “hopefully” help you choose the one you have in mind.  Just be careful because even some companies get their own names wrong.  I’ll try to make this simple:

Video Camera Glasses:  These are Glasses that you wear with the purpose of recording something else.  It is called “Point of View” digital video recording.  The idea is that whatever your eyes see you will record.  You can play this on a big TV or your Iphone.  The best brands, and this is important, take super high quality HD video.  These are awesome if this is what you are interested in.  Buying a great brand of these video camera glasses is a great option if you are in the market for a camcorder.  It’s so much better to be able to record something without having to hold it or look stupid.  These things won’t annoy you while you take a video of your son’s soccer game or whatever you’d like on film.

Video Glasses:  This one is what surprised me.  Some companies are branding this term as a kind of personal mini movie theater.  They don’t record anything.  You hook these up with your Iphone or whatever to get the videos.   These glasses somehow make you feel like you are in a real movie theater.  They are almost opposite things.  One records while the other is for watching previously recorded stuff.

Anyway, there can be a huge difference so be careful.

About Andy

I'm scouring the net and keeping up to date with all the hottest trends in High Def Video Recording Sunglasses

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